Tag Archives: ASH

The Hard Truth for Blind Eyes

It’s been a calender month to the day since my last post. It’s been that long since I set out to prove something. Something that is so very simple it’s even childish that I had to. That was that I’m an individual regardless of what is in front of my name, proof that who I am is summed up by what I do, what I say. Not by what you think of those three letters. Yes, those three letters that get so many people up in arms. I’m going to talk about ASH now. So either read on, roll your eyes, or bang the hipster drum and call me an elitist. Just know I’m going to chuckle endlessly as I keep writing. If anyone takes what I have to say to heart just know it’s not directed at any one person. Although I respect a lot of people who don’t like ASH, I am still going to hurt feelings and mince words. Don’t like it? Lace them bitches up and kick rocks. If you followed me for my honesty don’t get pissy with me now for using it. By the end of this if you feel you need to unfollow or even block me, by all means.

I’d like to point something out first, that to me, being Marvel was more than just ‘putting on a costume’ or pretending to be a superhero. I owned what choice I made in what I put as my avi. Take a moment and think on what Captain Marvel is. He is a fictional hero who is not always big and strong but a little boy named Billy Batson, a boy who lost his parents as an infant, he ended up living on the streets supporting himself, standing up for others even if it meant getting smacked down. He was chosen , making him ‘Earth’s Mightiest Mortal’ all because of one factor, Billy’s perfect heart. Out of every tragedy this young boy faced he stayed true to his strong morals, his sense of right or wrong and of justice. It’s the hope he represents, the imagery that even through all the bad the world throws at you you can still get up and push forward. For yourself or for others. So some can laugh at that, go for it. You won’t hurt my feelings in the least because we all have inspirations we strive towards. Whether you realize it or not, in fact many of you make an idol of Dawkins, or Hitchens because the inspire you. Or you simply enjoy what they have to say or said respectfully regardless. Others consider music, or literature (Those are books/poems/etc. for the laymen reading  this). A great many things inspire everyone every day. So mine might be cheesy, it’s not the only thing that inspires me, just pertinent to the topic. The sad few will outright deny anything I’ve said simply because they have to be right, so someone has to be wrong. I’ll take the wrong for those then. I have embraced what inspires me, I grew up through some rough shit. I became an adult because of it, through it and I’m better for it.

So, I’ve proven my point. I am the same person with or without the tag in front of my name. The same person who you guys have been talking to. Hilariously talking to I might add from some of you. I did this in hopes that even some of the most ardent detractors can see there is no pack mentality. Still doesn’t mean you’re going to like ASH, maybe just soften to the idea of mutual ignoring. But I am giving evidence as best I know how to show that some of the childish claims I heard in the last rounds of attacks on ASH are false. The most messed up thing about this whole month is I’ve seen the same bashing over ASH over and over. Now I am not talking about Mel’s blog, some of you are going to think I am. She made a lot of damn fine points that I can agree with and I both admire her and respect her for it. I’m talking about these little pissant moaners who can’t let this fucking go. There are so many organizations out there you fucks DON’T even know about that group atheists together. You bash on this one why? Because it’s comic book characters? Because there have been some bad eggs in the batch? Because you feel it’s elitist? Because we’re just sheep? Because you feel it’s unneeded? Let’s address these then;

1. Why Superheroes? Because it’s what we wanted to use, it has evolved beyond just superheroes. Deal with it. Why is your hair cut that way? Because you fucking like it.

2. There have been some bad eggs. Did you go through your life meeting only perfect people? Dumbasses.

3. Elitist, as I’ve said before we got attacked for not having rules. I was one of the ones on the forefront saying we NEEDED the guidelines especially for new members. Captain was actually AGAINST IT! But why is it I’m the last person, who has ever been a part of ASH, that isn’t called elitist? There is some food for thought for you guys. But, in usual pretentious fashion, we get rules and now we’re elitist. Hey, you, yeah the one bashing a group for having guidelines, next time take a fucking step back and realize how many things have rules or guidelines simply to make things run smoother before you point your finger. Now go sit the fuck down.

4. The pack mentality, we just ‘follow orders’ shit. Being me without the tag the same as I was with the tag and people won’t see it still. Not even the douchenozzle I set out to prove wrong and did. No pack mind, no hive consciousness. A group of individuals standing together under one banner. That’s what it is. The next time someone argues the pack mentality with me you’re done talking to me about ASH. It’s over, a dead issue, move the fuck along and go grab an ice cream.

5. You feel it’s unneeded? Fair enough,your feeling is fine. Your opinion is noted. Does that mean we have to follow what you have to say like it’s an order and stop? See how that works? You get to have your opinion, you get to say your opinion, I get to choose to ignore it and move on. I can even respect your right to have it. Doesn’t mean in anyway that I give a flying fuck about what you think is needed or unneeded where it pertains to us using Twitter the way we want to. Which is funny, since people seem to think our three ‘commandants’ tell us how to use Twitter. But these fucks here? No, they tell us because they’re against ASH so it’s OK! Sounds like the ‘I’m not racist but…’ start of some bullshit.

Here is the end all be all of the argument. You don’t like ASH, fine. We’re not going anywhere. I said WE, tagged or not I stand by my friends. Those that have never been in ASH and never want to be but are grown ups about it I stand by them as well. I’ll even continue and converse like I always have with people that don’t like ASH as a whole but don’t act like children about it. Difference being this time around? I’m not going to pulled into any more discussions or arguments. I am just going to walk the fuck away, its not worth my time. I am no longer going to try and hear both sides and be a peace maker. A few people have listened and understood me in the past. But lately these last two months it’s the really fucking spiteful little creatures that just want to be ignorant. If you hate ASH so much stop making it worth YOUR time. Walk the fuck away and get on with what you do and how you do it. You don’t even know these people as people. So many of you don’t even care to learn, that’s the saddest fucking part. It makes you pathetic, but we are because we like the tag. These are human beings who are fighting for the same goals you are. Not going to apologize for wanting to do it in a way you can’t understand.

Wondie, she kicks some serious ass. And has been through so much that you don’t even know about. Plus, whenever I needed an ear shes been there, I’m just some fucker on Twitter. She listened to me drone on about two psychos I dated and never blew me off once. She didn’t have to.

Captain, he and I have had words back and forth that weren’t even cordial at times. But we’re adult about it and moved forward as friends. I would make the trip to go have a beer with this man if I could.

The Crow, an inspiration to his daughter as well as myself. Get to know this awesome guy, you’ll be better for it.

Lantern, our resident flirt. He comes off strong ready to cross the line with a joke but just as easily can sit and sort shit out with you.

Indigo, she’s just fucking awesome! She has this little girl who has actually equaled my son for cuteness.

As a whole there are so many members, some are brand new and I haven’t even had the time to talk to them all. We have fathers like Aquaman, mothers like Jinx. Students, musicians, writers, scientists, artists, gamers. From many countries, many walks of life. I can keep going, but if you even have one shred of interest to even know the People behind the badge then you’re better than those who can only see three letters and squeal like a baby about it.

So in closing I urge every member of ASH and friends to do the same as I do, don’t pander to these sycophantic morons like Grumpy. We have logical people like Mel who disagree and make points then move on, but the others ignore them. Walk away, we’re not needed? Well same is said for them with their half assed arguments. Why do we have to be atheists their way to be one of the people they’d resepect anyhow? We’re not the elitists, we’re not the bad guys. We’re a group of free thinkers who do things our way under one banner. Who cares if someone else doesn’t need us or even like us? If you count them out, the pocket is rather small in comparison. There are many more people out there who not only don’t care about ASH in the least, but care even fucking less for these trolls. I’ve watched them complain more about these folks than us. Let them be, block them if you feel personally you need to, I don’t like to but that’s my take on blocking. Have a nice experience on Twitter with out them because the more you feed the troll, the more it roars. Just a suggestion, don’t take it as an order now, they’ll think I’m the hidden leader behind our three buddies. Oh nossss!!!

I’ve spoken, written to be literal, my piece on this now. I’m off to bed, I look forward to waking up for work in the morning and chuckling at my lowered follower count. It’s ok, not gonna to cry over upset wittle hipsters who don’t wike me.

Till next time,

#SHAZAM bitches, and ladies.

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The Individual Who Became Three Letters

In the last two days I have seen people attacked on twitter simply for having three letters in front of their name. A, S, and H. Stand for Atheist Super Heroes if you didn’t know, or if you even cared. Simply put one child started a landslide against ASH which of course turned into being all ASH’s fault. It was an ignorant and wasteful attack. Here is my take on all of this bullshit. As always my blogs are my words as I have written them. So if any of this offends anybody I urge you to either grow a thicker skin or simply fuck off.

Me, forever trying to be the peace maker I stepped in. Only to find that this girl who I backed up before was calling me names, but telling me to grow up. Ironic, but ok, I left it alone. Don’t want to listen to reason, whine like a moron for all I care is my feeling. It went on all day, this ASH member against someone, someone else jumping in. So on and so forth. Childish shit, goading the ASH members because you don’t like the group? But they have to grow up? Check yourself in to a clinic please. Either you like ASH or you don’t, either you follow them or you don’t. It is up to you, but to attack them for doing their own thing because you disagree? That’s fucking childish in true form right there.

So a bunch of people got together under the guise of superheroes or icons from other popular culture to spread atheism their way. They have various reasons ranging from pure fun with it to keeping anonymity for their real life. Big fucking deal. I can’t stand going to conventions for the shit I like because there are people dressed in costume, that’s not my thing at all. Don’t see me railing on them. They do what the fuck they want and I go about my business, because I’m an adult. I grew up learning that each person likes what they like and does what they want. So long as it doesn’t hurt someone so be it.

ASH started as three groups, before the merger in to one. Each with it’s own leader and membership. I had more fun then, but whatever. We got attacked then because some members ran rampant and we had little way to keep things streamlined. But also then we got attacked, one group or all, because of what we did. Many of those attacks just like yesterday were started by someone else and then turned back as our fault. Not all but quite a few. So banging heads together the three groups became ASH and set guidelines and stringent ways for membership. Oh but no, that makes them elitist because you have to ask or be invited to join….. Fuck off. First we have no rule so we’re the bad guys, then rules and still the bad guys. So ASH screens for quality and that’s horrible? Remember that next time the health department misses their inspection at your favorite place to eat.

But it’s a pack mentality….. For quite a few yes, not going to argue. I saw one member jump in to the middle of one of the attacks with the wrong impression and it hurt the group. I saw another get the boot because they went on purposeful attacks. These were individuals doing this, pack mentality or not. But when you lose sight of wanting to see if someone is following the herd or being an individual go away. You have no cause here, you have no credibility. You simply attack because it’s what the ‘cool kids are doing’ and ASH aren’t the cool kids. Three little letters set you off? Try WBC before coming at ASH, they are some of the real enemy out there to rational thought. Which you did not use. Quite a few of my followers do not like the group. But they follow the INDIVIDUALS they do like. Paint everyone with the same brush and you become no better than the theists telling us we’re all baby eating hell mongers.

It’s so elitist…… Head-butt a Boeing, seriously. Please just fuck off. Some of the members are elitist, one I’ve wanted to punch square in the fucking mouth at times. So it’s a few, not all. I’m not going to go further on that than to say you should reread the paragraph above for my thoughts on it.

I left ASH. It should be obvious the moment the link to this post is tweeted. I didn’t do it because I wanted to be one of the cool kids, you can keep that shit for yourselves. I did it because tonight I was asked a huge question and I am truly honored by it. It helped me realize that this is twitter, where we exercise our our voices. Use our brains and communicate with like minded people. In all honesty, I’ve had too much shit happen in my life to lose my individuality. And it was tonight. Someone just saw me as a number. Don’t ask me who, I’m not calling them out. You will probably check my timeline to see, sure go for it. But if you go for the attack on them you lose me as a follower. What was said is then, what we do is move forward from it. As much as I see NOTHING wrong with ASH or the way they do things I will no longer be a part of it. You are either going to like me for me or fuck off. I am blunt, I am to the point. This is not a bakery, you want a sugar coat go find Jesus.

Before I even hit my teenage years in full I watched my best friend take a bullet to the head. I had human brains, what was once the whole being of my friend in my fucking mouth, my hair, my clothes. Should I go on? It was that moment I realized, too young to need to know it, that in life there are a great many things you can’t control. So seize what you can. I bring that up because this is one of those moments. I will be ridiculed by individuals for who and what I am. Not for three freaking letters at the start of my name. Not for the fact that I love the camaraderie of fellow atheists under one banner. Or that I wanted to present atheism in a fun light, hopefully inspiring some to step away from religion.

As much as I respect Dawkins, he is wrong on one thing. Herding atheists is not like herding cats. It can work, it has worked. I am the member of a group of atheists offline. I was atheist before I came to twitter, I will be when I sign off tonight. In seeing what some of the detractors have said in the past I know I have personally done more in my life to push atheism further. But I still see you as my equal. It’s called humility, learn it, grow the fuck up. For the last time, #SHAZAM


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